Thanksgiving week has always been an important time for our parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Society. We raise a significant portion of our operating expenses during this time because of the faithful generosity of our parishioners. Add in the support from various groups throughout the year, especially our Holy Name Society, and we have been able to help our neighbors-in-need within our parish boundaries with utilities, household furnishings, rent, clothes, and food.
Overall needs continue to grow, but we have been able to offer some help to almost everyone who has asked. During our most recent fiscal year (ended September 2022) we provided monetary assistance to our neighbors-in-need in the amount of $44,216.55 (up from last year’s amount of $43,416.88).
We do not foresee any lessening of requests for help in this coming year. We are hopeful of your continued support with this year’s Thanksgiving collection, future Fifth Sunday collections, the Parish Memorial Fund Program, as well as your individual gifts, words of encouragement, and prayers so we can continue to meet some of the needs of our neighbors.
At our Thanksgiving Mass, we invite you to put cash or check donations in the collection basket — or in an envelope marked “SVDP” at a different Mass — or send it to the rectory or contribute on the SSP Online Giving site. You are again invited to bring non-perishable food items to be placed on the sanctuary steps at the Thanksgiving Day Mass.
Thank you for your past support and for keeping us in mind in the coming months. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime.
Happy Thanksgiving and blessings to each and every one of you!