Congratulations to our newly confirmed Catholics! It was wonderful praying with you last week. Keep praying to the Holy Spirit, and may you use the gifts he has poured upon you for the service of others!
Thank you to everyone who came to our listening session focused on organizations and events. I’m grateful for the frank and respectful sharing. The parish staff and I are working on a vision for organizations and events at SSP; my hope is we can have an even better second year as a combined parish by rallying all our organizations and events around our parish mission and vision. We hope to release the vision for organizations and events in early June. Our next listening session is Sunday, June 23, 12:30 p.m. in the SSP Parish Hall. We’ll look back at our first year as a combined parish, and talk about our hopes for the future and what can help us in the year ahead.
I’m also grateful to everyone who took time for our Liturgy Committee meeting last week. The discussion confirmed my gratitude for all the blessings God gave us during Holy Week, and I also got some good ideas for next year. If you’d like to be part of our Liturgy Committee, you are welcome! Contact Stephanie Wobbe at [email protected] and she’ll add you to our Flocknote group. Our next Liturgy meeting will be Sunday, Aug. 4, at noon, in the IHM Rectory Meeting Room. We’ll talk about our plans for our fall kickoff in September and also our plans for Christmas.
I’ve decided to continue our Transition Team for another year. They have been such a tremendous source of helpful information and wise counsel in the past year, and I think in the year to come we’ll still have plenty to talk about. I plan to start a Parish Council in time, but the press of other leadership tasks means that it won’t happen this spring, as I had originally hoped. God willing, we’ll be able to start it in the fall.
Finally, I want to invite everyone to join us for a Mother’s Day breakfast hosted by the Men’s Club (the one that meets at SJB). It will take place in the SJB cafeteria from 8 a.m. to 12 noon on Sunday, May 12. In the past, we’ve given a free breakfast to moms and young children, but I’m happy to say that this year’s breakfast will be free to one and all! Many thanks to the Men’s Club for this gift to the moms in our parish. If you’d like to help with the breakfast, Men’s Club would be glad to have you; just give Bart Bieser a call at 314-496-6356. Most of all, invite many people to join us for church or for breakfast — or both!