Today the Archdiocese is officially announcing its seven-year strategic pastoral planning initiative called All Things New. This initiative includes two years of prayer, discernment, planning, data collection, and feedback (which began in August 2021 and runs through May 2023), followed by five years of implementation, beginning in the fall of 2023. When completed,
All Things New will impact all aspects of the Archdiocese -- parishes, schools, curia offices, and agencies.
Last fall each pastor was asked to appoint five parishioners to serve as Key Parish Leaders of the
All Things New initiative. These people serve as the primary ambassadors
to the parish as well as primary ambassadors
of the parish to the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council. In choosing these representatives for our parish, Father Ron wanted to have a descriptive sampling of the parish family -- young adults, those of middle age, empty nesters, elders, and school families. We thank the following people for agreeing to serve the parish in this role over the next several years:
Christy Biundo,
Christian Clerc,
Leigh Manalang,
Andrew Rettig, and
Gary Stoff.
In the coming months all parishioners at all parishes in the Archdiocese will be invited to complete an anonymous 75-question survey. There will also be a survey for school parents, faculty, and staff. Then in the fall -- after assessing all collected data, including the survey results -- the Archdiocese will sponsor two listening sessions at each parish to explain their proposed models.
You are encouraged to sign up for regular updates directly from the Archdiocese via the yellow button at the top of their dedicated
All Things New website.
As the primary point of contact for our parish I will receive communications from the Archdiocese for dissemination. I will update the parish through the
bulletin, the
parish website, our
"Weekly Update" Flocknotes, and our
parish Facebook page. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Fr. Ron, one of the Key Parish Leaders, or myself.