The Disciple Maker Index survey is now open. This information will be integral to the St. Louis Archdiocese's "All Things New" strategic pastoral planning initiative.
The survey will be available through Monday, April 4, 2022, for ANYONE within the geographic footprint of the Archdiocese who wants to share their input about their beliefs, preferences, participation, and perceptions of their local parish community.
Individuals who take the survey do not need to be registered in a parish or to be Catholic to take the survey; they should just participate in the life of the parish in some way. Each parish has a unique survey link.
Those affiliated in any way with St. Stephen Protomartyr can access the survey here.
(If you are affiliated with a parish in the Archdiocese of St. Louis other than St. Stephen Protomartyr, find that parish's link here.)
The survey is completely ANONYMOUS. It takes about 10 minutes to complete.
We encourage everyone who is high-school-aged or older to take the survey. Married couples and families should complete separate surveys rather than take one survey together.
Paper versions will be available after weekend Masses and at the rectory during office hours. Give us a call at 314-481-1133 if you need a paper form delivered to you.