Dear parents, teachers, and friends of SSP School,
Happy Friday! Thank you to all of the organizations and volunteers that help keep us #SSP Strong. PTO and the BOE met recently. The Holy Name Society (Men’s Club) will meet on Tuesday. Doctors Borgmeyer and CarolAnne Lorenz will host a social for new school parents and parishioners at their home on Sunday. There are so many groups and individuals to thank, that I cannot do it properly, but please note that you have our infinite gratitude for all that you do.
The FRIDAY NOTES is an end-of-the-week recap and a Week in Preview. We try to keep the focus on one week at a time … However, I’d like to jump ahead to the week of September 19—23. That is the week set aside as a standardized testing week. Please make every effort to limit outside appointments for Grades 3—8. Please make sure your student receives adequate sleep and fuel their bodies in the morning. Thank you in advance.
Good luck to the PTO with their outdoor movie night on Saturday evening. LeBron James and the Looney Toons take on intergalactic competitors in Space Jam! We hope for continued beautiful weather and a fun evening of fellowship for all.