Dear parents, teachers, and friends of SSP School,
Happy Friday. We have so many activities on the horizon, but none more important than the standardized testing week aka ITBS week. Grades 3-8 will spend significant time testing in what has been deemed our last baseline testing with the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. Some archdiocesan schools are currently piloting a replacement measure that will measure student achievement in the Fall, Winter, and at the conclusion of the academic year. Regardless if this is the end of the run of ITBS testing at SSP, we’d like our students to have a level playing field and atmosphere conducive for success. Don’t underestimate the importance of adequate sleep (it is different for each one of us), good breakfast in the morning, being on time for school, not being pulled for appointments, a healthy mid-morning snack, and an adequate supply of sharpened #2 pencils. We will have a backup, just in case. Thank you for your attention to detail. People tend to place a lot of emphasis on these tests. In my opinion, it is just one measurement of how your child is progressing during one week in their life. Also, in my opinion, I never want to put my name on or alongside an effort that is less than my very best! Thank you for assisting your child in being the best version of themselves in the upcoming week!
Finally, a fun event, Fall Festival is replacing the traditional Mass in the Park. I hope you have the opportunity to partake and share fellowship with others in this great SSP school and parish community. See page 2 of the attached NOTES for more details.