Dear parents, teachers, and friends of SSP School,
Happy Friday and April Fool’s Day Eve; I prefer when April 1 falls on a weekend! I have been the beneficiary of some creative “episodes”; part of the fringe benefit of the job! My car prefers not to be covered in sticky notes!
At this point, we caught a break with the weather. Hoping it stays this way!
Tonight is the last Fish Fry of the season. We hope you can partake! Hats off to the Fish Fry Committee for another successful campaign.
Finally, a hat tip to Mrs. Anglo and the 6-7-8th grade students who performed a moving Living Stations of the Cross this afternoon. Much time and effort went into this project. We are proud of them all.
There will not be an “official notes” next week. We have 3 full days of school, and then we will have an Easter break from April 6-10. Classes will resume on 4/11/23. We will continue to communicate important information as it becomes available.
Lenten Blessings,