Dear parents, teachers, and friends of SSP School,
Happy Friday and welcome to Spring Break 2022! The teachers and I are finishing up our meetings and readying ourselves to enjoy some needed downtime to recharge the batteries. We hope that you get opportunities to take care of yourselves as well.
Under separate cover we will send you our new mask situational plan. This was crafted by our Covid task force. A tip of the hat to their insights and dedication to the cause for the past two years. This plan was sent earlier this week to the City Department of Health. As of this writing, we are still awaiting feedback from the DOH for any recommendations for revisions. This plan takes effect on Monday, March 21.
Thank you for all that you do in our partnership to educate your children. Thank you for your constant support. We look forward to seeing your children again on Monday, March 21.
Stay SSP Strong and God's Peace,
D. Greg Sturgill