Thanks to all who have completed the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) survey. As of March 16, 254 people have completed the online survey and 8 have returned the paper survey. Could we have 500 completed surveys by the deadline of April 4? That’s my lofty goal.
There are two frequently asked questions that I asked the Archdiocese, and below are the responses.
“Why is there no place for comments on the survey?”
The DMI is a tool for evaluating participation, beliefs, and personal experiences at the parish. This summer there will be an opportunity for comments. The Archdiocese has collected 20 years of demographic data (to include pew counts, registered parishioners, number of people in the neighborhood, percent of people who are Catholic, financial information, sacramental information, etc.) This hard data will be paired with the DMI self-assessments in a workbook for each parish so the pastor and Key Parish Leaders can 1) validate the data, and 2) have conversations with parishioners this summer showing where we are as a parish, i.e., our own self-assessment. Based on this, we will ask what are the most pressing needs for evangelization and social outreach in the parish or our area as we look to the future. This feedback on the three areas (DMI, demographics, and what can we invest in for our future) will then be incorporated into modeling for the fall.
“Is Covid taken into account?”
Yes. The Archdiocese is taking the 20 years of statistics and processing them through the lens of Covid.
If you would like a paper survey, they are available at the rectory and in church after the weekend Masses. One of the team members would be happy to bring one to you if you are unable to get out.