Parish organizations get things done. They are where we pray and work, laugh and grieve, triumph and sometimes stumble. They can be support systems and even lifelines. They are opportunities to grow in our own faith and to invite others to do the same.
To give women time for rest and prayer in the busy season before Christmas, women of the parish coordinate the planning of an evening of song, scripture, and sharing on the first Sunday of Advent.
Contact: Denise Dowd (314-517-3998 or [email protected])
To deepen families’ faith by the core practices of Confession, Adoration, Rosary, and Eucharist, the Alliance blesses homes and enthrones them to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts, then continues the prayer at optional monthly vigils.
Contact: Alma Bright (314-353-2372 or [email protected])
To help everyone pray at Mass, altar servers assist the priest in the prayers and actions of the Eucharist.
Contact: Karen Garcia (314-481-1133 x315 or [email protected])
To help everyone pray at Mass and on special occasions, cantors, musicians, and seasonal choir members share their gifts with the parish by leading and presenting beautiful music.
Cantor & musician contact: Theresa Flores (314-481-1133 or [email protected])
Choir contact: Gary Stoff (314-456-7629 or [email protected])
To help our youngest parishioners hear God’s word, learn how to follow Jesus, and build community, our Children’s Liturgy of the Word facilitators gather with children ages Pre-K to Grade 2 during weekend Mass to listen to the Gospel story, make crafts, and sing songs.
Contact: Bridget Bernstetter (618-604-3439 or [email protected])
To help people receive Jesus in the Eucharist, ministers assist priests once or twice a month at the Masses of their choice in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at Communion.
Contact: Barb Unger (314-640-4754 or [email protected])
To help people hear God’s voice, lectors proclaim the Word of God at weekend Masses.
Contact: Anne Borgmeyer (314-650-6783 or [email protected])
or Cathy Kveton (314-304-1613 or [email protected])
To make weekend worship beautiful for God and transformative for his people, Liturgy Committee members plan weekend Masses and other important liturgies of our parish.
Contact: Barb Unger (314-640-4754 or [email protected])
To know, love, and follow Jesus more closely, the parish facilitates retreats for the men and women of the parish. Men have two opportunities per year to love God more deeply by participating in an annual retreat with the Jesuits at the White House Retreat Center on the bluffs of the Mississippi River. Women have the opportunity for annual retreats at the White House Retreat Center and King’s House Retreat Center in Belleville.
Men’s April retreat: Deacon Dana Engelhardt (314-481-1133 x304 or [email protected])
Men’s November retreat: Deacon Jim Murphey (314-295-1250 or [email protected])
Women’s White House retreat: Gina Joly (314-450-6233 or [email protected])
Women’s King’s House retreat: Barb Unger (314-640-4754 or [email protected])
To provide respectful stewardship of the sacred objects in our churches, Altar Society members work together once a week to clean and care for our beautiful churches.
Contact: Karen Garcia (314-481-1133 x315 or [email protected])
To help everyone pray at Mass throughout the year, volunteers decorate our beautiful churches, especially for the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.
Contact: Sandy Gaydos (314-352-1281 or [email protected])
To help the parish use wisely its worship offerings and other resources for the parish mission, the Finance Council reviews parish finances, prepares the annual budget and financial report, and organizes an annual open business meeting.
Contact: Father Aaron Nord (314-481-1133 x309 or [email protected])
To make our parish campuses beautiful, the Garden Group tends to the annual and perennial plantings.
Contact: Linda Yarnall (314-799-1246 or [email protected])
To keep our campuses clean and functional, the Hardly Able Crew takes care of minor handyman jobs and cleanup projects.
Contact: Joe Bilger (314-852-6480)
To make the worship offering of parishioners ready for use, money-counter teams work on a rotating schedule on Monday mornings, preparing the weekend collection for deposit.
Contact: Judy Liermann (314-223-9072 or [email protected])
To show parishioners who are homebound or residing in nursing care facilities that Jesus and their parish family loves them, volunteers send cards monthly.
Contact: Betty Bollasina (314-605-0335 or [email protected]
To support families in prayer during their moments of grief, the Funeral Choir sings at funeral and memorial Masses in our parish.
Contact: Betsy Stoff (314-691-7317 or [email protected])
To help those who are feeling lonely, members of the Helping Hands group crochet and knit baby blankets and lap throws for nursing home residents.
Contact: Mary Bathon (314-930-9270)
To support families in their time of grief, Martha’s Group is available to provide a free lunch after funeral or memorial Masses.
Contact: Denise Dowd (314-517-3998 or [email protected])
To restore a genuine respect and legal protection for all life from conception to natural death, the Pro-Life Committee assists the Archdiocesan Respect Life Apostolate with pro-life events and activities through education, public policy, and spiritual support.
Contact: Kathy Jackson (314-399-1313 or [email protected])
To provide one-to-one Christ-centered emotional and spiritual support to those who are hurting, Stephen Ministers receive extensive training, gather monthly to support each other, and visit their care receivers once a week for an hour.
Contact: Leigh Manalang (314-486-0717 or [email protected])
To support parishioners who are temporarily or permanently confined to their homes, these volunteers visit them, pray with them, and bring them Holy Communion.
Contact: Debbie Gartner (314-481-1133 x311 or [email protected])
To make newcomers feel welcome in our parish, our Hospitality Team greets people at the doors of our churches at weekend Masses and special events.
Contact: Karen Garcia (314-481-1133 x315 or [email protected])
To serve unhoused neighbors and care for the planet, the Plarn Patrol meets weekly to transform plastic shopping bags into plarn (plastic yarn) and then crochet sleeping mats.
Contact: Mary Raber (314-240-0030 or [email protected])
To feed the unhoused, three groups of volunteers provide monthly or bimonthly meals to be served at the St. Patrick Center. Two groups provide pans and recipes for casseroles; another collects cans of chili. Casseroles are dropped off at a specified time and place.
Bevo Area Group: Mary Bathon (314-930-9270)
Boulevard Heights Area Group: Janet Sullivan (314-631-9158)
Holly Hills Area Group: Cindy Asinger (314-752-1903 or [email protected])
To feed the poor, participants in this program provide ingredients and/or cook and serve lunch once a month at Sts. Peter & Paul Parish Hall in Soulard.
Contact: Gayle Chancellor (314-752-7251)
To help the poor and to help them feel loved, participants bring underwear, socks, and other personal items once a month to the residents of the Sts. Peter & Paul Men’s Shelter in the St. Louis Place neighborhood and spend time socializing, with bingo and conversation.
Contact: Juanita Bishop (314-605-5110 or [email protected])
To help our neighbors in need, members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society visit with the poor who live in our parish boundaries and help them obtain food, utilities, and other basic necessities.
Contact: Barb Vineyard (314-856-8064 or [email protected])
To help our parishioners grow as disciples, ignite the gifts of the Spirit, and be Jesus’s presence to others, Serve Together connects parishioners with compelling service opportunities in our neighborhoods which help those in need.
Contact: Maureen Lenz ([email protected])
To help parishioners who are homebound and in special need, the Table of Plenty team brings them meals prepared at home or purchased from restaurants.
Contact: Faith Russo (314-368-8550)
To strengthen others by prayer, the Jonah Team prays with those in special need after Mass or by appointment.
Contact: Barb Unger (314-640-4754 or [email protected])
To pray for the needs of our parish and its people, the Prayer Group gathers monthly to read the daily readings, say the rosary, and offer petitions for God’s help.
Contact: Barb Unger (314-640-4754 or [email protected])
To support those in need of comfort, the Prayer Shawl Ministry knits shawls which are blessed by a priest and then given to someone who needs spiritual support.
Contact: Mary Korn (314-481-9134)
To support our parishioners and their loved ones, our Prayer Tree prays for those who ask for extra prayers for their special needs.
Contact: Stephanie Wobbe (314-481-1133, x303 or [email protected])
To support the good works of the Church and the apostolates and ministries of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, this team raises funds for the Annual Catholic Appeal each spring.
Contact: Will Hartzler (314-856-8064 or [email protected])
To advise the pastor and principal in making policy for our school, the Board of Education meets monthly during the school year. In Fall 2023, the Board implemented a strategic plan in support of the long-term sustainability of our school.
Contact: Maria Howe ([email protected])
To raise funds for our school and share fellowship, our Gala committee hosts a dinner auction in the early spring every other year.
Contact: Kim Armstrong (314-239-3068 or [email protected])
or Jill Summary (618-727-1441 or [email protected])
To help those in need, our Giving Trees collect donations of gifts for families in need before Christmas and pass them on to local organizations such as St. Martha’s Hall, the Carondelet Community Betterment Federation, and local food pantries.
Contact: Cindy Asinger (314-752-1903 or [email protected])
or Lina Silistria (314-691-0599 or [email protected])
To fund scholarships and special projects at our school, the Golf Tournament gathers teams at Forest Park Golf Course on the first Saturday in May for companionship and fun.
Contact: Mike Finney (314-210-9229)
To support the faith formation and academic achievement of our school’s students, the PTO connects parents and school staff; supports parents in raising their children; provides hospitality, social events, and communication opportunities; and spearheads fundraising for school technology, education, and security needs.
Contact: Jill Summary ([email protected])
To assist our parish in its current time of transition, the Transition Team meets monthly to advise the pastor about successes and snags and to give feedback on upcoming projects.
Contact: Father Aaron Nord (314-481-1133 x309 or [email protected])
To promote fitness and well being, this group meets each Tuesday and Friday morning for exercise. Beginners are welcome.
Contact: Judy Hudson (314-910-0931 or [email protected])
To promote conversation, friendship, and sharp minds, volunteers host an afternoon each month for playing board games together.
Contact: Judy Hudson (314-910-0931 or [email protected])
To relax and exercise with friendly competition, parishioners who are 21 and older get together on Friday nights for games of pickleball.
Contact: Tom Esswein (314-319-7875 or [email protected])
To learn more about the Bible and our Catholic faith, weekly and monthly study groups read through books of the Bible one chapter at a time, discuss it, and reflect on how it applies to their lives. Beginners are welcome. Seasonal groups also meet for three to six weeks at a time throughout the year.
Contact: Deacon Dana Engelhardt (314-481-1133 x304 or [email protected])
or Sister Ellen Orf (636-293-8253 or [email protected])
To encourage parishioners to look more deeply at their faith and share it with others, our Morning Reflections crew takes turns writing reflections on the daily scriptures, which are shared with subscribers and on parish social media to support personal prayer.
Contact: Mary Regan (618-580-3595 or [email protected])
To help adults receive Jesus in the sacraments for the first time, the OCIA meets weekly with them, prays with them, learns with them, and supports them as Christian friends.
Contact: Deacon Dana Engelhardt (314-481-1133 x304 or [email protected])
To help graduates stay connected to Jesus and to each other, the SJB Alumni Association keeps a database of alumni, provides lists for reunions, hosts an annual trivia night, and publishes the “Lion’s Roar” newsletter.
Contact: Peggy Luedde (314-481-8684 or [email protected])
To help graduates stay connected to Jesus and to each other, the SSP Alumni Association keeps a database of alumni, hosts a Facebook group, shares photos, facilitates reunions, and promotes parish and school events and liturgies.
Contact: Stephanie Wobbe ([email protected])
To build virtue and confidence in children, the Athletic Association organizes Catholic Youth Conference and Judge Dowd sports teams, players, and coaches, and raises funds through concession revenues and an annual Sports Trivia Night.
Contact: Jason Joly (314-308-1668 or [email protected])
To prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices, Troop 179 meets weekly with youth, has monthly outings, camps frequently, and participates in high-adventure camps, giving opportunities for leadership, teamwork, respect for others, and love of the outdoors.
Contact: John Ebert (314-258-0613 or [email protected])
To prepare children to make ethical and moral choices, Pack 104 meets weekly with elementary school children, does fun activities, and goes out for special events.
Contact: Jason Chierek ([email protected])
To build girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place, our Girl Scout troops meet regularly, have occasional outings, and come together to host fun community events on our campus.
Contact: Kathy Warren (314-910-8387 or [email protected])
To unite all men of the parish, from young adults to senior citizens, for fellowship, good works, and growth in faith, the Holy Name Society hosts a monthly prayer service, followed by a business meeting, a light meal, and general gathering.
Contact: Ted Hartzler (314-497-5195 or [email protected])
To share friendship, fun, and faith with other women, the Ladies’ Sodality gathers once a month to celebrate birthdays; enjoy refreshments, activities, and fellowship; and plan special projects, many of which support the parish and serve those in need.
Contact: Brenda Bucher (314-507-2604 or [email protected])
To build up our parish, the Men’s Club hosts events like the Mother’s Day Breakfast and Breakfast With Santa; supports other parish organizations; and enjoys time together once a month at an evening meeting.
Contact: Bart Bieser (314-496-6356)
To help our parish “make disciples of all nations,” the Parish Missionary Disciples meet monthly for prayer, study, and communal reflection, and to undertake special projects with the support of the Archdiocesan Office of Evangelization and Discipleship.
Contact: Rosemarie Schelling (314-457-1132)
To build each other up in spirit, our three quilting groups gather at different times during the week to sew quilts, chat, and pray. The Monday & Wednesday group meets at 10 a.m. at St. Stephen Protomartyr, the Tuesday group meets at 10 a.m. at Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Thursday group meets at 8 a.m. at St. John the Baptist. No experience necessary.
Contact: Joyce Stockmann (314-752-4827 or [email protected])
To help middle school students meet Jesus and know his love, the Sacred Sparks youth group hosts a relaxed Friday-night hangout with fun, prayer, scripture, and discussion, and hosts other events in summer. Open to all middle-schoolers, from our school or anywhere.
Contact: Martha Navarro (314-852-3684 or [email protected])
To build each other up through friendship, the Seniors Organization meets each month for lunch, bingo, and occasional outings.
Contact: Helen Wells (314-481-6125)
To build up our parish, the St. Anne Ladies’ Sodality helps other parish organizations as needed and meets quarterly to enjoy each other’s company.
Contact: Jan Angeles (314-352-5760)
To build up young people from ages 14 to 21, the Venturing Crew organizes fun-filled events with an emphasis on the outdoors, such as campouts, rock climbing, ropes courses, horseback riding, and also service and social activities.
Contact: Kristi Buck (314-397-4662 or [email protected])
To provide community, faith formation, and fellowship for the women of the parish, the Women’s Club gathers monthly for fellowship and prayer and periodically hosts seasonal events, social outings, service activities, and a retreat in the summer.
Contact: Laura Hartzler (314-972-3067 or [email protected])
To showcase our parish to the community at large, our Fish Fries bring scores of volunteers and hundreds of guests together in a popular South St. Louis event that builds good will, gathers people to share God’s bounty, and raises tens of thousands of dollars for our parish each year in the spring.
Contact: Greg Venneman (314-809-8340 or [email protected])
To care for the earth and build community, our annual rummage sale draws people from all over South St. Louis and raises more than $10,000 for the parish.
Contact: Elizabeth Cassmeyer (314-488-9450 or [email protected])
To bring our wider community together in support of our parish and school, the Parish Picnic team of volunteers puts on a fun-filled, classic South City parish picnic on a Wednesday in early June to raise major funds for our parish.
Contact: Christy & Jim Arnold (314-466-0200 or [email protected])